Temporary Works (2021)

Things change all the time. Sometimes however, it's not until we look back at how things were, that we start to notice. I wanted to pay closer attention to how much things can change in a small period of time, whether it be a small, pop-up fun-fair in Merseyway Shopping Centre, or the process of completely re-facing a space in the town - the main bus station for example (something that has been there my whole life), closed for good near the end of August 2021 to make way for a new interchange. I know people all over Stockport (and others) will have memories, no matter how mundane those memories might be, of using that bus station, it's a big change for the town.

Over the course of August only, I documented things that were changing in Stockport or things that were different to normal (periodically), a reminder that all things are temporary, some with greater life spans than others.

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