Jake Bowden (b. 1997) is a photographer from Stockport, based in the north-west of England.

Bowden considers himself an explorer, he sees a connection between the physical landscape and the psyche, therefore presenting an opportunity to explore the relationships that are thrown up in spaces he finds himself in. Bowden uses photographic narrative to represent and resonate ideas or questions in an attempt to resolve a line of enquiry.

Ultimately, his work has always been an existential attempt to understand life better. Telling stories has always been a way of making sense of the world around us, and in a world with a multiplicity of perspectives, understanding and working with his own is the closest he might get to achieving this goal.


In Other Words

Manchester School of Art, 2023.


Manchester Craft and Design Centre, 2022.

Tell Me What You See

Sale, 2022.

Using Format